Friday, December 31, 2010

2011? Already? Oh Snap...

Well, it's time to bid farewell to another year. Do you remember when you were a kid, your parents and pretty much every other adult you knew warned you not to wish your time away? That as you get older, the time will go by faster, and that you should enjoy being young? Well...they were right. Where did this year go? Where did the last few years go?? I can think back to events that were over two years ago, and swear they just happened this year. It makes me feel so old- "Time flies, kids."

I don't even know when I left the safety of my early twenties and entered into my late happened while I wasn't looking. My husband actually had to remind me a few months back (or was it a couple years ago?) that I am actually closer to thirty than I am to twenty, and perhaps it's time to stop shopping at Urban Planet and Ardene, where his 15-year old daughter shops (so what if we have some of the same clothes??). At first, I laughed, until I realized he was right. Closer to thirty? But my nineteenth birthday was just a couple years ago. I'm still fresh and young, and if I were an actress, I would totally be eligible for a role as a student on "Degrassi". Totally. Or perhaps I would be more fit for a role of an older sibling...or teacher. But not a parent (unless I was a teenage mom, like Spike). Am I living in denial? I don't think so...aging doesn't scare me (well, maybe a little). I just don't know when I went from nineteen to twenty six- it feels like it all happened in a matter of months. Aren't I supposed to be different? Shouldn't I want to watch CNN instead of Family Channel, read the newspaper instead of a Cosmo, or talk about how juvenile Twilight is instead of counting the days until the next movie comes out? None of those things sound appealing to me. The news makes me weary of ever bringing children into this world, as it seems to be such a mess, and Twlight is a really deep, serious story. Pulitzer material. Okay, maybe not, but when I went to see Eclipse and New Moon (opening nights both times!), there were definitely women older than me there that did not have teens or kids of any age with them.

While I know twenty-six is hardly old, and that I still have a ways to go before I can start qualifying for Senior Discounts (which will be pretty awesome), it makes me uneasy how fast things are really happening. How each year actually does seem shorter, and that all the moments and milestones that I live through become memories before I can even process them. It feels like I am constantly planning, thinking about the future, and all the things we'll do "someday" rather than taking in what is happening now.

So, with all of this in mind, my New Years resolution this year is to just chill out- take it one day at a time and enjoy it. And maybe to stop saying things like "Oh snap!"

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