Friday, December 17, 2010

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer... by indulging in some comedy! Honestly, at a time of year that is supposed to be joyful, it's not uncommon to see people depressed, stressed, and simply hating the holidays. And really, with all the pressure brought on by Christmas, can you blame them? I am Christmas's biggest fan, and this year even I am trying to find it within myself to embrace the true meaning of Christmas- i.e. spending time with loved ones, not buying gifts. I really love the holidays for that, but I never realized how much I also love the shopping and wrapping and gift-giving. I was feeling pretty down and out about this, and I find the best remedy for some holiday sadness is some holiday comedy. The best week of primetime occurs in early December when my two favourite things come together to make one glorious schmorgesborg of awesome- Christmas sitcom episodes!

I love me a good sitcom, and will watch pretty much whatever happens to be on when I am in the mood for some laughter (except Two and a Half Men, which only makes me want to jump off a cliff). However, there are three current comedies which I follow faithfully: 30 Rock, Glee, and my never-fail show, The Office. The writers of these shows are another life, I hope to be Tina Fey.

This week, I thought I would walk you through my five favourite moments/quotes from my Christmas sitcom episodes. Let's begin:

5. Jim and Dwight's first snowball fight (The Office). Jim and Dwight meet in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot for an old fashioned snowball fight- or at least that's what Jim thinks. He gets outside to discover that the door has been locked with a chain so he can't get back into the building. Dwight then bursts out of a snowman, and pummels Jim with snowballs he has stored in a bookbag, which he is wearing on his chest. Jim is on the ground, in the fetal position, and Dwight continues to throw the snowballs until he is out, at which point he steps on Jim and declares victory. Priceless.
Dwight whipping snowballs at Jim, with the remains of his human snowman at his feet.
4. Brittany S. Pierce (Glee), who still believes in Santa, tells him: "You've gotten really tan", as she sits on his knee at the mall. This character delivers some of the best one-liners I have ever heard (e.g. "Did you know dolphins are gay sharks?"), and is one of TV's hidden gems. If you are thinking about watching Glee, pay close attention or you will miss her hilarious lines.
Brittany and "tanned" Santa
3. Sue Sylvester (Glee), as the Grinch. She is better than Jim Carey. Not to mention, her assistant Becky makes for an awesome Max. Sue Sylvester is amazing.

2. The Many Wigs of Dwight Schrute. As Dwight and Jim's snowball fight continues, we see that Dwight has a wig for everyone in the Office.


1. This made me laugh so hard, I almost peed my pants. 30 Rock might be my favourite show- never has an episode failed to make me laugh out loud (a true comedy will make you laugh out loud when you're all by yourself). When this scene came on, I thought I might explode: Two Black Swans. I am not even including a picture here because you need to see the video to get the full effect. Enjoy.

While all of these shows had many more great holiday moments, these are the ones that stood out to me, and brought some of that holiday cheer back that I was lacking this year. Thank you NBC and Fox for continuing to make me laugh at least once a week. 

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