My favourite time of the year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. I love Christmas, and usually feel a cloud over me in the days after it because I have to wait a whole year to do it all over again. This year, I do not feel that. I am not glad Christmas is over, but I don't feel sad about it. I just feel calm and relaxed and satisfied with the celebrations we had with our families. I also love my new coats!
I'm looking forward to 2012, and what it has to bring. Moments ago, I re-read my post last year regarding New Years resolutions, and the mistake of setting the bar too high (so common). This year, I'm taking it down another notch. While I am a huge advocate of achievable resolutions in order to better ourselves, I'm thinking this year, I'm just setting easy, realistic, and very, very do-able ones. Yesterday, my husband kick-started this idea in my head by talking about the fact that we let little things go around our house until they build up into bigger things. It started when he was drying the dishes, and noticed when the pan was empty just how dirty it had become. How does that happen? It holds clean dishes. Anyway, a regular wipe down would have kept our dish rack in good condition, and probably sucked a total of ten minutes out of our lives over the course of a year. However, because we just did not take the time to do that, the situation ended with the dish rack in the garbage, and me running out to buy a new one. Throwing away money, my friends. It seems we think we're swimming in it.
So, instead of saying "I'm going to keep a clean house all year", I've decided to make a list of small things I can do to help keep our house, and other areas of our life, neat and tidy. Are you ready?
Wipe the Keurig Coffee Drips Off the Counter
Why I don't do this as soon as it occurs is beyond me. It takes two seconds. This was also inspired by my husband who said "How often does the coffee maker drip on the counter? Every time we make coffee. Why don't we start wiping it up?" God, he's brilliant. I always think "I'll get it later when I am cleaning the kitchen." But seriously- why leave it?
Return Movies On Time
We are the worst culprits for dishonouring the movie rental agreement . We rent from a little corner store up the street, which we can walk to, and every GD time we rent a movie, I find myself paying kids outside the store to return it for me, as it's usually about four days late by the time I get around to taking it back. Okay, that's not true. I get Ashley to run it in for me, and run out before they can ask her about the late fee. Awful! This year, I'm going to really try to get the movies back on time. I promise.
Investing in a Second Garbage Bin
While I know this does not sound like a big deal, I can't explain the strange anxiety that comes over me when our only garbage bin with a cover is full, and I have a bag of garbage that needs to be taken out of my house. If I put it in the compost bin, critters can (and have) get in and tear it apart, making garbage morning even more of a joy. If I put it in the garage, critters can get in and start living in there (which, I am sure they do already). For under $20, we could just buy another bin, with a lid, so I could sleep at night. Doing this.
Using the Hooks I hung in the Closet
I lose Molly's leash and harness about twice a day. When it's 11:00pm, and Molly rings her bell to go out, you can often find me rummaging through the coat closet, cursing about how I can't find the leash. Yesterday, as I came back from our walk, Clinton watched me pitch Molly's leash into the closet, with no reason or order. It fell behind the shoe rack, and the next time she had to go out, there I was, rifling around for it, frustrated at the fact that I couldn't find it. The worst part about this is that about three months ago, I hung hooks in the closet for Molly's things, my purse, keys, etc. And yet, I take short cuts by chucking things into the closet, in turn, making it harder on myself later. Using the hooks this year.
Folding my Clothes
I fold all our laundry, and I think I do it pretty neatly. But for some reason, my dresser looks like a Frenchy's bin. While things go into it folded and stacked, I seem to tear through it on a daily basis, looking for clothes to wear, and shoving the items I don't want back in. Somedays, I can't even open my drawers because the clothes have just bunched together to form a blockage. It's extremely frustrating.
Taking Empty Cups Out of the Car
Another thing we are awful for. Often, Clinton and I will go through Tim Horton's drive thru, only to find we have no room in our cup holders in the front seat. So, we do some rearranging, and put the cups in the back cup holders. The next time we go through the drive thru, all the cup holders are full, and we find the emptiest ones and neatly place them on the floor. If we carefully position them on the floor, we actually believe we will remember them later, and they will not roll under the seat. Idiots.
So, those are my "real"-utions for 2012. They're easy, and they're things I should be doing anyway. Fingers crossed!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Small Thought, Big Pot- Part I
I am a sucker for a nice, hearty homemade meal. I love meat and potatoes, spaghetti, casseroles- anything your grandmother has ever made you, I love it. I remember years ago, sitting in my grandmother's kitchen, and her offering me a bowl of chicken stew. While my appetite wasn't huge at the moment (a rarity, so I must have had a hangover), I had learned by then that if you say no, she's going to keep offering. And it smelled awfully good. I accepted a bowl, and a piece of bread to go with it. I then proceeded to shovel it in because I promise you, it had to be one of the best things I had ever eaten. I don't know why I even had to think about having a serving- everything my grandmother ever fed me was nothing short of delicious. When I finished my bowl, she offered me a second, but I turned it down. Something told me I should just go ahead and take another bowl, but for some reason I felt it would be rude (I honestly don't know why). For years, I thought about that chicken stew, and always say to myself "I should have had a second bowl." I have yet to taste anything remotely close to what I refer to in my mind as that perfection in a bowl...until last August.
I was sitting on the computer, stuck in a Facebook vortex (probably looking at pictures of people I don't even know...sooo creepy), when a message popped up from my neighbour, asking if we would like some chicken noodle soup, as she had made a large batch. Learning from my stew experience, I did not turn this down. She promptly delivered a Tupperware container of soup, which I put in the fridge to eat for my lunch the following day. I had no idea as I loaded up my bowl and heated it up what a treat I was in was scrumptious! I immediately messaged her, thanking her and begging for the recipe (which, luckily turned out to be pretty simple). It was the closest thing I had ever had to my Gran's stew, and I was determined I was going to make it in large quantities and live off it forever. When I started this blog, I was also determined to post at least once a week (see last post- October 11th), and when I got a dog, I was determined to go above and beyond to make sure she had the finest of everything (see the $5 bag of Purina Dog Chow in my cupboard). Needless to say, I did not get right on making the soup.
Monday of this week, I ended up with the day off, and some fresh veggies in my fridge. "Today is the day!" I told myself. I was going to make that soup, and I was going to love it. I proceeded to cut up the ingredients, and cook the noodles. Then I thought to myself "You know, Colleen, this would be amazing if you cooked it in the slow cooker." The thought of all the flavours simmering together all day made my mouth water. I pulled out my slowcooker, loaded in the ingredients, set the timer, and went to meet my friend Diana for a coffee. Nice day. Upon returning from my excursion, I tasted the creation- and could tell it was going to be delicious. By the time Clinton got home, it would probably be Top Chef-worthy. Soup Hall of Fame. The Eiffel Tower of soup.
Needless to say, because of my small thoughts and inability to complete them before acting on them, my soup was a FAIL. Can anyone predict the moronic thing I did to ruin this?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Small Thoughts, Small Blessings
I must be the worst blogger in blogging history- it's been over a month since my last post! I'm sorry, followers, but as I told Clinton the other day, I just have not been feeling inspired by anything enough to write about it. I've also been kind of busy (not crazy or anything), and I really, really enjoy downtime. So, when my days wrap up, I am also usually wrapped in a blanket, with Molly, watching TV, eating amazing popcorn from my amazing popcorn maker.
Anyway, I'm back! I'll be making a more conscious effort to blog, and of course as the school year progresses, I will find myself with more topics to blog about (inspired by funny stories and maybe some nightmare experiences, too). It's Thanksgiving morning as I sit here and type this, and it is a beautiful one at that! I have not been outside for a few hours, but when I was out last around 7:30 with Molly, it was really warm, and the sun was shining. Just checked the weather network...twenty degrees right now. Love it!
As most people do around Thanksgiving, I've spent the last couple days being...well...thankful for all that I have. I've been known to complain, and gripe, etc., but I know I have it good, and that there are people in this world who would trade places with me in a heartbeat. It's important that we have this holiday to remind us to remind ourselves to appreciate what we do have rather than be sad over what we don't have. As with many people, I am the most grateful for my family, my friends, my health, their health, a place to live, a free country, and all of that BIG stuff that I am so lucky to have. I'm not going to blog about that, because that is what everyone is thankful for, and I think you would get super bored. I've been thinking a lot about smaller things that don't often get the recognition they deserve on this day. So, in true Colleen fashion, I've done one of my favourite things- compiled a list. Oh, how I love lists!
Grocery day- I am so thankful that someone invented grocery stores, a place where we can go to get everything we need, from food to cleaning supplies to clothes now at some places. While I am cheap, and don't like spending money, I never mind spending it on food, and then stepping back to admire my full fridge and cupboards when I get home. We always wait until we're completely drained of food before we get an order, so once all the groceries are put away, it feels like we've won the lottery. One of my favourite days in my regular routine.
Coffee- Great drink, any time of the day. I really do love it, and savour it each and every morning. I especially love it when it's a day I don't have to work and I can drink it lazily from a glass mug rather than a travel mug in the car. However, either way, I always enjoy it.
Christmas music- Love it, and I don't care what anyone has to say about it. I listen to it when I'm feeling blue, and it totally cheers me up. I honestly could sicken people with my Christmas cheer.
A Clean House- Not many things feel better than when your entire house is clean. I mean, that never actually happens- somedays, I think "I've done a great job...look at this house! I cleaned the floors, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and did all the laundry." I block out the massive pile of clothes on the floor of the closet, the dust bunnies on the basement stairs, and the cluttered mess we call a garage, but it still feels great. To be able to relax and know that around the corner, in the kitchen, there is not an explosive pile of dishes waiting for me, or a bath tub full of soap scum upstairs.
Scented candles- Can't. Get. Enough. This goes with my last item. When my house is clean, the finishing touch is always to light a candle so that it smells good, as well. Or spray some Febreeze. But a nice candle is always my preference.
A Quick Bathroom Trip with Molly- Laugh all you want, but when you have a hound dog as a pet, trying to get them to focus on anything is near impossible. Molly will ring her bell to go outside (yes, she has a bell), and once we get out, it takes her FOREVER to use the bathroom- she sniffs and sniffs...and sniffs. I have spent 10+ minutes standing out there with her. Sometimes, she looks like she's found her spot, and then a breeze will come, sending a new smell her way, and we're back to square one. I literally thank God every time I am outside less than five minutes with her.
Successful New Recipes- I get a sense of satisfaction like no other when I try out a new recipe, and it's a success...especially when it is something I'm really unsure about, or whose ingredients cost me a fortune. I have attempted baking multiple times, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it does, it feels awesome...a feeling often followed by a stomach ache because I then eat what I baked.
Primetime Comedy- Nothing gets me laughing like a little evening television. People who can write good quality comedy are my best friends from afar. If I have a bad day, usually an episode of Modern Family will quickly make me forget, or a dose of Michael Scott and his shenanigans can have me laughing in no time.
The Internet- Guilty...I'm an addict. But seriously, it makes everything so convenient. I can keep in touch with friends, google recipes, home remedies, plan vacations, shop, listen to music, watch TV shows that I missed, read articles...the list goes on and on. I never use my phone book anymore, and pretty much never use my phone either. It's all about the Internet, baby.
Friendly People- Few and far between some days, but they're out there, and when you run into one or meet one, it's fabulous. I read a quote once that said "Treat every person you encounter like it's their last day alive. Your life will never be the same." I try to remember this, but fail usually. However, I think it's true, and it has actually helped me when dealing with someone who is not so pleasant- like when someone ringing you in somewhere is rude or just doesn't even put in the effort to smile at you, it's tempting to be rude back, or make a snarky comment. But, if you stop and think "This could be their last day on Earth" (I know, it's morbid), it will actually help you to leave the attitude behind, which will prevent you from getting worked up and improve the overall quality of your day.

Lazy Mornings- I am wonderful at being lazy anytime of the day, but especially in the morning. Getting up casually, and staying in your pjs for hours just feels so good. It's even better when it's raining- then you don't have that "I should be doing something" guilt, and can actually feel good about being so unproductive.
There are a million other things I am thankful for, but that's the short list. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and remembered to appreciate those little things, too.
Anyway, I'm back! I'll be making a more conscious effort to blog, and of course as the school year progresses, I will find myself with more topics to blog about (inspired by funny stories and maybe some nightmare experiences, too). It's Thanksgiving morning as I sit here and type this, and it is a beautiful one at that! I have not been outside for a few hours, but when I was out last around 7:30 with Molly, it was really warm, and the sun was shining. Just checked the weather network...twenty degrees right now. Love it!
As most people do around Thanksgiving, I've spent the last couple days being...well...thankful for all that I have. I've been known to complain, and gripe, etc., but I know I have it good, and that there are people in this world who would trade places with me in a heartbeat. It's important that we have this holiday to remind us to remind ourselves to appreciate what we do have rather than be sad over what we don't have. As with many people, I am the most grateful for my family, my friends, my health, their health, a place to live, a free country, and all of that BIG stuff that I am so lucky to have. I'm not going to blog about that, because that is what everyone is thankful for, and I think you would get super bored. I've been thinking a lot about smaller things that don't often get the recognition they deserve on this day. So, in true Colleen fashion, I've done one of my favourite things- compiled a list. Oh, how I love lists!
Grocery day- I am so thankful that someone invented grocery stores, a place where we can go to get everything we need, from food to cleaning supplies to clothes now at some places. While I am cheap, and don't like spending money, I never mind spending it on food, and then stepping back to admire my full fridge and cupboards when I get home. We always wait until we're completely drained of food before we get an order, so once all the groceries are put away, it feels like we've won the lottery. One of my favourite days in my regular routine.

Christmas music- Love it, and I don't care what anyone has to say about it. I listen to it when I'm feeling blue, and it totally cheers me up. I honestly could sicken people with my Christmas cheer.
A Clean House- Not many things feel better than when your entire house is clean. I mean, that never actually happens- somedays, I think "I've done a great job...look at this house! I cleaned the floors, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and did all the laundry." I block out the massive pile of clothes on the floor of the closet, the dust bunnies on the basement stairs, and the cluttered mess we call a garage, but it still feels great. To be able to relax and know that around the corner, in the kitchen, there is not an explosive pile of dishes waiting for me, or a bath tub full of soap scum upstairs.
Scented candles- Can't. Get. Enough. This goes with my last item. When my house is clean, the finishing touch is always to light a candle so that it smells good, as well. Or spray some Febreeze. But a nice candle is always my preference.
A Quick Bathroom Trip with Molly- Laugh all you want, but when you have a hound dog as a pet, trying to get them to focus on anything is near impossible. Molly will ring her bell to go outside (yes, she has a bell), and once we get out, it takes her FOREVER to use the bathroom- she sniffs and sniffs...and sniffs. I have spent 10+ minutes standing out there with her. Sometimes, she looks like she's found her spot, and then a breeze will come, sending a new smell her way, and we're back to square one. I literally thank God every time I am outside less than five minutes with her.

Primetime Comedy- Nothing gets me laughing like a little evening television. People who can write good quality comedy are my best friends from afar. If I have a bad day, usually an episode of Modern Family will quickly make me forget, or a dose of Michael Scott and his shenanigans can have me laughing in no time.
The Internet- Guilty...I'm an addict. But seriously, it makes everything so convenient. I can keep in touch with friends, google recipes, home remedies, plan vacations, shop, listen to music, watch TV shows that I missed, read articles...the list goes on and on. I never use my phone book anymore, and pretty much never use my phone either. It's all about the Internet, baby.
Friendly People- Few and far between some days, but they're out there, and when you run into one or meet one, it's fabulous. I read a quote once that said "Treat every person you encounter like it's their last day alive. Your life will never be the same." I try to remember this, but fail usually. However, I think it's true, and it has actually helped me when dealing with someone who is not so pleasant- like when someone ringing you in somewhere is rude or just doesn't even put in the effort to smile at you, it's tempting to be rude back, or make a snarky comment. But, if you stop and think "This could be their last day on Earth" (I know, it's morbid), it will actually help you to leave the attitude behind, which will prevent you from getting worked up and improve the overall quality of your day.

Lazy Mornings- I am wonderful at being lazy anytime of the day, but especially in the morning. Getting up casually, and staying in your pjs for hours just feels so good. It's even better when it's raining- then you don't have that "I should be doing something" guilt, and can actually feel good about being so unproductive.
There are a million other things I am thankful for, but that's the short list. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and remembered to appreciate those little things, too.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
What's In a Name?
Hi friends! I can't believe how long it has been since I posted anything- so sorry (I know you're terribly disappointed). August has proven to be a busy month in our household. Actually, I was working for the month, and by the time I got home each night (after a ridiculously long commute some days), I just wanted to walk my dog, eat my supper, and relax. Anything I wrote would have been nonsense.
This morning, after dropping Clinton off at work, I did something that I have been putting off (not intentionally) for over a year- legally changing my last name. Even though our wedding was last August, I still had not taken the plunge and become a full-on Charlton. I had changed my name on some things to reflect my marriage, such as the supply teaching lists, my email (which I believe is actually hyphenated), my insurance, cell phone, and other small things. However, my driver's license has remained Gormley, and I think Clinton was starting to think I was just going to keep it that way. Truth be told, I just despise going to the DMV and waiting in those line ups. Plus, shortly after we got married, we found out we had to move- I didn't want to go change my name, and then have to go back shortly after to change my address, making it two trips to a place I try to avoid at all costs. So, why not wait until I knew the new address, and do it all at once? (Sidenote: we moved in February).
A couple things shocked me during this outing to Service New Brunswick this morning. The first one was the lack of people waiting in line. There was nobody there! It's like I was meant to go on this day, at this time. Gold! I was immediately directed to a desk, where a very kind woman assisted me. So, we went through the whole spiel (new name, new address, etc.) and once she had entered everything into the computer, she gave me a couple print outs to sign. The second thing that shocked me was how surreal it was to read the sheet that stated my name would go from Gormley to Charlton. It suddenly hit me that never again would I have my maiden name. My birth name, the name that I had carried with me for the first 27-years of my life, my family name. I no longer would share a name with my mom, my dad, my brothers, my grandmother, or anyone else in my family. I guess I always knew that, but had never really thought about it. I definitely did not expect to be so emotional, as I was signing my new signature for my driver's license. I've been going by Charlton for the last year, but for some reason, this kind of cemented it. Made it official. No turning back.
I had never realized how attached I had become to my former last name. I almost felt as though I was signing away a little piece of myself. People who I meet from this point on in my life won't even know I was ever a Gormley, unless I tell them. It's so strange! I had always planned on changing my name, and never considered keeping my maiden name. I would be lying to say I wasn't having second thoughts when I saw it on paper. I mean, it's the new millennium- people keep their names all the time. How bad would it be for me to be a Gormley, and for my husband to be a Charlton? Alas, I signed anyway, and proceeded over to the desk where they would print my new ID for me. I waited nervously, and for some strange reason, feeling like I might start crying. This had nothing to do with taking on a new name, but everything to do with saying goodbye to my old name.
By the time the woman handed me my new ID, the feeling had just about passed. After all, I was taking on a new name, not a new personality. I'm still the same person I was yesterday, and I of course am still a Gormley, and always will be. When I glanced down and read the driver's license, I couldn't help but smile. It was official, and despite my reservations about parting ways with the only name I'd ever known, it felt pretty good to know that I now share a name with my husband. While I feel silly for having all of these mixed emotions over a name, a word, I also feel like that's kind of a normal feeling. I just wish someone would have warned me!
This morning, after dropping Clinton off at work, I did something that I have been putting off (not intentionally) for over a year- legally changing my last name. Even though our wedding was last August, I still had not taken the plunge and become a full-on Charlton. I had changed my name on some things to reflect my marriage, such as the supply teaching lists, my email (which I believe is actually hyphenated), my insurance, cell phone, and other small things. However, my driver's license has remained Gormley, and I think Clinton was starting to think I was just going to keep it that way. Truth be told, I just despise going to the DMV and waiting in those line ups. Plus, shortly after we got married, we found out we had to move- I didn't want to go change my name, and then have to go back shortly after to change my address, making it two trips to a place I try to avoid at all costs. So, why not wait until I knew the new address, and do it all at once? (Sidenote: we moved in February).
A couple things shocked me during this outing to Service New Brunswick this morning. The first one was the lack of people waiting in line. There was nobody there! It's like I was meant to go on this day, at this time. Gold! I was immediately directed to a desk, where a very kind woman assisted me. So, we went through the whole spiel (new name, new address, etc.) and once she had entered everything into the computer, she gave me a couple print outs to sign. The second thing that shocked me was how surreal it was to read the sheet that stated my name would go from Gormley to Charlton. It suddenly hit me that never again would I have my maiden name. My birth name, the name that I had carried with me for the first 27-years of my life, my family name. I no longer would share a name with my mom, my dad, my brothers, my grandmother, or anyone else in my family. I guess I always knew that, but had never really thought about it. I definitely did not expect to be so emotional, as I was signing my new signature for my driver's license. I've been going by Charlton for the last year, but for some reason, this kind of cemented it. Made it official. No turning back.
I had never realized how attached I had become to my former last name. I almost felt as though I was signing away a little piece of myself. People who I meet from this point on in my life won't even know I was ever a Gormley, unless I tell them. It's so strange! I had always planned on changing my name, and never considered keeping my maiden name. I would be lying to say I wasn't having second thoughts when I saw it on paper. I mean, it's the new millennium- people keep their names all the time. How bad would it be for me to be a Gormley, and for my husband to be a Charlton? Alas, I signed anyway, and proceeded over to the desk where they would print my new ID for me. I waited nervously, and for some strange reason, feeling like I might start crying. This had nothing to do with taking on a new name, but everything to do with saying goodbye to my old name.
By the time the woman handed me my new ID, the feeling had just about passed. After all, I was taking on a new name, not a new personality. I'm still the same person I was yesterday, and I of course am still a Gormley, and always will be. When I glanced down and read the driver's license, I couldn't help but smile. It was official, and despite my reservations about parting ways with the only name I'd ever known, it felt pretty good to know that I now share a name with my husband. While I feel silly for having all of these mixed emotions over a name, a word, I also feel like that's kind of a normal feeling. I just wish someone would have warned me!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Into the Wild
Okay, so remember how awhile back, I did a post dedicated to the best movie that has ever been made, Harry and the Hendersons? In that post (if you don't feel like reading it), I talked about how there is so much nature that we don't see, and how I always see animal tracks at the Nature Park, but never see the animals. Well, I know where they hide now- in our backyard.
As you've probably gathered (or as you probably already know because you know me and that is why you are reading this), part of my daily routine is getting Molly out for a good walk. We usually do two walks, but if we have the opportunity, we'll do one super long one, usually at the Nature Park, or along the trails near our house. These walks have become one of my favourite things, and I was so looking forward to a summer full of them. In referencing another past post, I did a photo blog a couple weeks ago, detailing an amazing adventure Molly and I went on one morning. It was so much fun, and I could not wait to do it again. Fast forward to now- Molly and I have been doing lame sidewalk/subdivision walks for the past week or more, out of fear that we will get eaten by large, scary, monster animals. Okay, not really, but we have been avoiding the trails out of fear.
It all began two Saturdays ago, when I was leaving the graveyard and a woman stopped me to tell me there had been a coyote sighting in the area. Yikes! She advised me to carry a whistle with me when I was out walking, just in case. I don't consider myself a paranoid person, and usually I would brush this sort of thing off. However, a couple things set off a mental alarm in my head: 1) The woman ended our conversation with "A coyote would love to get a piece of that dog", and then looked at Molly. Thanks lady. 2) Animals are out there, they always have been. However, there are less wooded areas for them now, and that means less food. So they obviously need to leave the woods to find what they need to survive- Beagles and Beagle owners, of course.
A couple nights later, I was sitting in my living room, when I saw an animal scurry across the church parking lot behind our house. I quickly got up and ran to the window. Most nights, we see a fox we named Peter run through, but this animal was different. It was darker, and ran pretty fast. Coyote, Clinton told me. Gah!
Last Saturday, Clinton told me that after dropping me off at a friend's house, he came home to find Peter the fox screeching at the sweet little dog that lives across the street from us. He said it was making an awful noise, and the neighbours had to whip rocks at him to make him leave. Sheesh- why would Peter do such a thing? He's always seemed so nice when scurrying into the church parking lot and peeing in their flowers, and then prancing off again. But not anymore- Peter's hungry for white, fluffy dogs...or a Beagle? Nah...maybe? No.
Later on, around 1am Clinton tells me, Molly started barking at something out the back window- towards the church parking lot. When Clinton got up and wiped his tears from watching Marley and Me with Molly (why anyone would make themselves suffer like that is beyond me), he saw not one, not two, but three coyotes. Holy moly! Friends, I am terrified. Molly and I are suburban walkers now, and it is soooo boring. I miss the trails, but I think every time a squirrel scurried across the path now, I would be blowing the whistle Clinton gave me "just in case". I mean, look at this insanity:
Am I being foolish? Should I continue to be enjoying nature with my dog? I know that coyotes and fox have always been around, and I also know that it's not as though I'm walking around with a chihuahua, but I also know that coyotes have actually attacked people before, and also that my dog (as sweet as she is) is so friendly and playful that she would probably run at one, tongue hanging out like Odie, begging to be attacked. Peter doesn't scare me so much, but those dang coyotes...I feel that they would be like bullies, stronger in numbers. My whistle might not do it. Seriously, take me back to the part of the city with no woods around it...I'll take the traffic over the crazy animals.
As you've probably gathered (or as you probably already know because you know me and that is why you are reading this), part of my daily routine is getting Molly out for a good walk. We usually do two walks, but if we have the opportunity, we'll do one super long one, usually at the Nature Park, or along the trails near our house. These walks have become one of my favourite things, and I was so looking forward to a summer full of them. In referencing another past post, I did a photo blog a couple weeks ago, detailing an amazing adventure Molly and I went on one morning. It was so much fun, and I could not wait to do it again. Fast forward to now- Molly and I have been doing lame sidewalk/subdivision walks for the past week or more, out of fear that we will get eaten by large, scary, monster animals. Okay, not really, but we have been avoiding the trails out of fear.
![]() |
It's out there... |
A couple nights later, I was sitting in my living room, when I saw an animal scurry across the church parking lot behind our house. I quickly got up and ran to the window. Most nights, we see a fox we named Peter run through, but this animal was different. It was darker, and ran pretty fast. Coyote, Clinton told me. Gah!
Last Saturday, Clinton told me that after dropping me off at a friend's house, he came home to find Peter the fox screeching at the sweet little dog that lives across the street from us. He said it was making an awful noise, and the neighbours had to whip rocks at him to make him leave. Sheesh- why would Peter do such a thing? He's always seemed so nice when scurrying into the church parking lot and peeing in their flowers, and then prancing off again. But not anymore- Peter's hungry for white, fluffy dogs...or a Beagle? Nah...maybe? No.
Later on, around 1am Clinton tells me, Molly started barking at something out the back window- towards the church parking lot. When Clinton got up and wiped his tears from watching Marley and Me with Molly (why anyone would make themselves suffer like that is beyond me), he saw not one, not two, but three coyotes. Holy moly! Friends, I am terrified. Molly and I are suburban walkers now, and it is soooo boring. I miss the trails, but I think every time a squirrel scurried across the path now, I would be blowing the whistle Clinton gave me "just in case". I mean, look at this insanity:
![]() |
"Molllllllyyyyyyyyy!!!!!" |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Words to Live By
I'm so embarrassed that I actually blogged about Casey Anthony this morning that I felt I had to follow up with a blog slightly more suited to this page. I'm back!
I found this page of quotes today on (you guessed it) Pinterest (I should get paid every time I promote that lifesucking page). I'm pretty sure I agree with most of them. I had to share my favourites (with commentary, since I love to hear/read/share my own thoughts) because they are priceless.
1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
- I have actually said to my best friend "If I die, I need you to burn my diaries. They are located..." (like I'm actually going to publish that!)
2. Nothing sucks more than the moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
- This is the point in the argument where I just storm off and say "I don't want to talk about it anymore!" Then I sit in my room, and go "Okay, do I apologize, or just let it fizzle out? Crap!"
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
- I would have to ask my mom, but I'm pretty sure I was always game for a nap. Anyway, I would definitely revisit the lifestyle where a daily nap or two was acceptable.
4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font
- I would be elated if they came out with a sarcasm font. It is my nature to be sarcastic, and sometimes I have a difficult time relaying my snarkiness through email, texts, and other social networking devices.
5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
- I've often wondered if there is a right way to do this that nobody told me about. I make what I call "a linen ball". I then fold the top sheet nice and neat, and stack it over top to flatten the ball. Good enough for me.
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
- Have to say, I have never wondered this until now. I never use cursive unless I am signing my name. Printer all the way.
7. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told how the person died
- I know it's morbid, but I often look for that when reading the obituaries. I can't help my curiosity! I also read dates on gravestones when walking Molly through the graveyard, and wonder how those people died. It's so weird. I am a weirdo.
8. I can't remember the last time that I wasn't at least kind of tired
- Seriously, what is up with that? I could always go for a lay down. I'm not always thinking about it, but at any given moment, if someone said "Go lay down", I think I would.
9. Bad decisions make good stories
- Sad, but true.
10. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blu-Ray? I don't want to have to start my collection all over again...again.
- I don't even have Blu-Ray yet, so the thought of something else coming to replace it scares the bejeesus out of me.
11. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes I made to my 10-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
- Why does this happen? I am so happy I am not the only one who suffers from that moment of "Ah, what do I hit??" I have merely read a paper that I just opened, and gone to close it when it prompts me to save the changes...that I didn't make. Or did I? So confusing.
12. I hate when I leave my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone if importance the entire day. What a waste.
- I agree with this, but what I hate more is running to the store really quickly to grab something lame, like milk, in your jogging pants with yesterday's makeup falling off your face and your hair shooting in every direction and running into someone. Usually, someone you haven't seen in years. Probably someone who hated you in high school, and is now laughing about what a wreck you turned out to be. The worst!
13. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
- Never understood that one. Why the fridge and not the freezer? We use the fridge more? The freezer is up higher? Who knows...eternal mystery. If you do know, please share.
14. I wish Google maps had an "Avoid ghetto" routing option.
- This just made me giggle. I've never thought this, and have never had a problem with maps, but I find it quite hilarious. Maybe if I lived in a big city where there was actually a real ghetto full of danger, it would concern me. We just have kids with knives and such. No biggie.
15. I would rather try to carry ten overloaded plastic bags in each hand than take two trips to bring my groceries in.
- I do this all the time, and always end up dropping a bag, or the massive load of toilet paper I am carrying under my arm. Then I enter the house frustrated and angry, and swear I am not getting the next order of groceries. This is all Clinton's fault! ARGH!
16. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text
- So many people do this...I would never...pfft
17. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between hunger and boredom
- Probably my biggest problem. I have started asking myself "Are you really hungry?" The answer is always yes, but I do think about sometimes.
18. As a driver, I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.
- Yes! You are not driving a car...please get away from the middle of the road! PS- Simms Corner=not a bike lane. Alternate route, please.
I feel better now that I have posted something a little lighter and more my style. Now back to cleaning my house. Happy Wednesday :)
I found this page of quotes today on (you guessed it) Pinterest (I should get paid every time I promote that lifesucking page). I'm pretty sure I agree with most of them. I had to share my favourites (with commentary, since I love to hear/read/share my own thoughts) because they are priceless.
1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
- I have actually said to my best friend "If I die, I need you to burn my diaries. They are located..." (like I'm actually going to publish that!)
2. Nothing sucks more than the moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
- This is the point in the argument where I just storm off and say "I don't want to talk about it anymore!" Then I sit in my room, and go "Okay, do I apologize, or just let it fizzle out? Crap!"
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
- I would have to ask my mom, but I'm pretty sure I was always game for a nap. Anyway, I would definitely revisit the lifestyle where a daily nap or two was acceptable.
4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font
- I would be elated if they came out with a sarcasm font. It is my nature to be sarcastic, and sometimes I have a difficult time relaying my snarkiness through email, texts, and other social networking devices.
5. How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
- I've often wondered if there is a right way to do this that nobody told me about. I make what I call "a linen ball". I then fold the top sheet nice and neat, and stack it over top to flatten the ball. Good enough for me.
6. Was learning cursive really necessary?
- Have to say, I have never wondered this until now. I never use cursive unless I am signing my name. Printer all the way.
7. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told how the person died
- I know it's morbid, but I often look for that when reading the obituaries. I can't help my curiosity! I also read dates on gravestones when walking Molly through the graveyard, and wonder how those people died. It's so weird. I am a weirdo.
8. I can't remember the last time that I wasn't at least kind of tired
- Seriously, what is up with that? I could always go for a lay down. I'm not always thinking about it, but at any given moment, if someone said "Go lay down", I think I would.
9. Bad decisions make good stories
- Sad, but true.
10. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blu-Ray? I don't want to have to start my collection all over again...again.
- I don't even have Blu-Ray yet, so the thought of something else coming to replace it scares the bejeesus out of me.
11. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes I made to my 10-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
- Why does this happen? I am so happy I am not the only one who suffers from that moment of "Ah, what do I hit??" I have merely read a paper that I just opened, and gone to close it when it prompts me to save the changes...that I didn't make. Or did I? So confusing.
12. I hate when I leave my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone if importance the entire day. What a waste.
- I agree with this, but what I hate more is running to the store really quickly to grab something lame, like milk, in your jogging pants with yesterday's makeup falling off your face and your hair shooting in every direction and running into someone. Usually, someone you haven't seen in years. Probably someone who hated you in high school, and is now laughing about what a wreck you turned out to be. The worst!
13. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.
- Never understood that one. Why the fridge and not the freezer? We use the fridge more? The freezer is up higher? Who knows...eternal mystery. If you do know, please share.
14. I wish Google maps had an "Avoid ghetto" routing option.
- This just made me giggle. I've never thought this, and have never had a problem with maps, but I find it quite hilarious. Maybe if I lived in a big city where there was actually a real ghetto full of danger, it would concern me. We just have kids with knives and such. No biggie.
15. I would rather try to carry ten overloaded plastic bags in each hand than take two trips to bring my groceries in.
- I do this all the time, and always end up dropping a bag, or the massive load of toilet paper I am carrying under my arm. Then I enter the house frustrated and angry, and swear I am not getting the next order of groceries. This is all Clinton's fault! ARGH!
16. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text
- So many people do this...I would never...pfft
17. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between hunger and boredom
- Probably my biggest problem. I have started asking myself "Are you really hungry?" The answer is always yes, but I do think about sometimes.
18. As a driver, I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.
- Yes! You are not driving a car...please get away from the middle of the road! PS- Simms Corner=not a bike lane. Alternate route, please.
I feel better now that I have posted something a little lighter and more my style. Now back to cleaning my house. Happy Wednesday :)
I Have No Legal Education Nor Experience...
Okay, so I know that this is getting far too much attention, and it's quite sickening the way the media has glamourized it, but I cannot stop thinking about this Casey Anthony case. It honestly has to be one of the most messed up, insane true stories I have ever heard, which is why it is so a bad accident. Nobody wants to look, but people can't bring themselves to look away. At least I can't, and I feel guilty for it.
I wasn't following the case, but my husband was. Every day, he would tell me what he read on CNN, and the more details he gave me, the more I found myself Googling articles and videos from the courtroom. After yesterday's verdict, I felt like I could throw up. I understand that the cold, hard evidence needed to convict Casey Anthony of murder just was not there- I get that. However, what happens now? That woman has so much explaining to do, and yet now she doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. She's been tried, and she's been found not guilty, so that's it? And why was she found not guilty as far as neglecting her child goes? Don't you think not knowing where your daughter is for thirty- one days and doing nothing about it constitutes neglect? Wouldn't the opposite of neglect mean caring for your child, and most importantly, making sure they have the basic needs of life and are safe? And by safe, I mean knowing where they are. Seriously, if I had a young child and they were missing for thirty-one minutes, I would be losing my mind.
Now, I've been thinking about the law...which I don't really think about too often. I'm more into thinking about food and clothes and crafts and stuff. You know, the big things. But submersing myself in this case the last couple days has got my wheels turning. These lawyers have been working their asses off on this case, however the final verdict comes down to the jurors. These are every day citizens with no legal background, but yet they get to decide the fate of people. Why is that? Who came up with that system? I get the whole "neutral third party" deal. But I just can't wrap my head around why these decisions are left in the hands of every day folks like you and I, when there are people that study law and go to school for years to be part of the system. I'm baffled. I'm also baffled as to why people who are being tried for any crime don't have to testify. For real! I can't understand why it is optional. If a person cannot take the stand without jeopardizing their "not guilty" stance, then doesn't that indicate that they have something to hide? If I was being tried for something, and I knew I didn't do it, I would have no problem testifying to save myself. It's just shady, shady business, and I really feel like these "rules" need to be re-evaluated. I am miffed. Like I said, I get the whole "we need hard evidence" thing, but the legal system is weighing on me right now, and I can't help but think that some changes need to be made. There are just some things that make me scratch my head. And since I like to think simple thoughts, this is really bugging me!
I just had to write about this and get it out of my system- I apologize if you got here thinking you were going to read about the bee hive Molly and I found on our walk, or a new way to make a grilled cheese. Next time, kind time.
I wasn't following the case, but my husband was. Every day, he would tell me what he read on CNN, and the more details he gave me, the more I found myself Googling articles and videos from the courtroom. After yesterday's verdict, I felt like I could throw up. I understand that the cold, hard evidence needed to convict Casey Anthony of murder just was not there- I get that. However, what happens now? That woman has so much explaining to do, and yet now she doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. She's been tried, and she's been found not guilty, so that's it? And why was she found not guilty as far as neglecting her child goes? Don't you think not knowing where your daughter is for thirty- one days and doing nothing about it constitutes neglect? Wouldn't the opposite of neglect mean caring for your child, and most importantly, making sure they have the basic needs of life and are safe? And by safe, I mean knowing where they are. Seriously, if I had a young child and they were missing for thirty-one minutes, I would be losing my mind.
Now, I've been thinking about the law...which I don't really think about too often. I'm more into thinking about food and clothes and crafts and stuff. You know, the big things. But submersing myself in this case the last couple days has got my wheels turning. These lawyers have been working their asses off on this case, however the final verdict comes down to the jurors. These are every day citizens with no legal background, but yet they get to decide the fate of people. Why is that? Who came up with that system? I get the whole "neutral third party" deal. But I just can't wrap my head around why these decisions are left in the hands of every day folks like you and I, when there are people that study law and go to school for years to be part of the system. I'm baffled. I'm also baffled as to why people who are being tried for any crime don't have to testify. For real! I can't understand why it is optional. If a person cannot take the stand without jeopardizing their "not guilty" stance, then doesn't that indicate that they have something to hide? If I was being tried for something, and I knew I didn't do it, I would have no problem testifying to save myself. It's just shady, shady business, and I really feel like these "rules" need to be re-evaluated. I am miffed. Like I said, I get the whole "we need hard evidence" thing, but the legal system is weighing on me right now, and I can't help but think that some changes need to be made. There are just some things that make me scratch my head. And since I like to think simple thoughts, this is really bugging me!
I just had to write about this and get it out of my system- I apologize if you got here thinking you were going to read about the bee hive Molly and I found on our walk, or a new way to make a grilled cheese. Next time, kind time.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Dang, that's crunchy
I'm always on the lookout for new foods...and I am also always on the lookout for cheap foods. Too often, I'll find myself jotting down a new recipe, only to rip it up and throw it away because I don't already have, nor do I want to buy, half the ingredients. I especially hate things that call for celery. I buy it, use one stalk, and find myself hesitantly picking up the greenish-brown soggy remains of it three weeks later from the bottom of my crisper. It's gross. Seriously, they need to make a gorcery store where you can buy things like one stalk of celery because I will never use the entire batch. Ever. Ever. I try and fail every time.
Sidenote: I just realized I have come up with the most genius idea ever- "Produce Bulk Barn". How amazing would it be to be able to buy just enough lettuce for one salad, instead of a head of lettuce? Or two radishes instead of a whole package? One carrot, four mushrooms, etc. My dream. Kind of like a liquor store that sells mix and cigarettes (why have they not started that yet? Not that I would need the smokes, but it would save a lot of people from making multiple trips in preparation for a party). I know you can buy many things in the produce department based on how much you need (potatoes, apples, etc), but there are certain things that you are forced to buy as whole packages, and it just doesn't fly with me all the time. Again, I will never need a whole celery plant, or whatever it is.
Anyway, back to where I was going with this post. During my daily Pinterest frenzy the other day, I came across this really cute and yummy looking snack. I saw it on my friend Barb's board, and was amazed that I had all four of the ingredients. Here is the delicious work of art:
Peanut butter
Chocolate chips
You simply core the apple, slice it into cute bagel-like shapes, and add the PB, granola, and chocolate chips. Then you top it with another apple slice, and voila! It is so yummy! I don't have an apple corer, and tried to do it manually, but was not successful. So, I just cut the sides off the apple, and did it that way. It's all going to be eaten anyway, and I imagine my not-so-cute apple sandiwches tasted just as good as the better looking ones in the picture. I highly recommend this as a fast, delicious snack. Happy snacking, readers!
Sidenote: I just realized I have come up with the most genius idea ever- "Produce Bulk Barn". How amazing would it be to be able to buy just enough lettuce for one salad, instead of a head of lettuce? Or two radishes instead of a whole package? One carrot, four mushrooms, etc. My dream. Kind of like a liquor store that sells mix and cigarettes (why have they not started that yet? Not that I would need the smokes, but it would save a lot of people from making multiple trips in preparation for a party). I know you can buy many things in the produce department based on how much you need (potatoes, apples, etc), but there are certain things that you are forced to buy as whole packages, and it just doesn't fly with me all the time. Again, I will never need a whole celery plant, or whatever it is.
Anyway, back to where I was going with this post. During my daily Pinterest frenzy the other day, I came across this really cute and yummy looking snack. I saw it on my friend Barb's board, and was amazed that I had all four of the ingredients. Here is the delicious work of art:
Peanut butter
Chocolate chips
You simply core the apple, slice it into cute bagel-like shapes, and add the PB, granola, and chocolate chips. Then you top it with another apple slice, and voila! It is so yummy! I don't have an apple corer, and tried to do it manually, but was not successful. So, I just cut the sides off the apple, and did it that way. It's all going to be eaten anyway, and I imagine my not-so-cute apple sandiwches tasted just as good as the better looking ones in the picture. I highly recommend this as a fast, delicious snack. Happy snacking, readers!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
How Can You Live Up?
This is my grandmother:
She is going to be 92-years old this year. I know, right?
She still lives in her house, where she has lived since she was four. Her mind is all there, and she does not have a caretaker, or anyone visiting her home (besides her children) to help her with her day-to-day. She always has on fabulous clothes (I remember looking at her on Easter Sunday, and thinking "Would it be weird if I asked Gran if I could borrow her scarf sometime?" I decided it probably would be, although she absolutely would let me), and takes care to make sure she looks her best when going out. I've never seen her with a grey hair (not to say this has not occurred, but it has to be a rarity), and have only had to visit her in the hospital once, when she had surgery on her knee. Did you read that? Her knee. Did I mention she's almost ninety-two???
I can't help but wonder what her secret is. I know she was never a big drinker (so I'm not really sure what happened to the rest of us), and was not a smoker. She has a huge heart, made of some indestructible matter, like tungsten. Her kids are all funny, and from what I'm told, so was my grandfather. I firmly believe lots of laughter can really do a person good. Gran could be living proof of that.
I feel very lucky to have Gran, and she is absolutely the center of our entire family. The list of admirable qualities she carries could go on forever, but there is one downside to being a part of her clan: huge shoes to fill. How can anyone live up to that? She's the best of the best!
She is going to be 92-years old this year. I know, right?
She still lives in her house, where she has lived since she was four. Her mind is all there, and she does not have a caretaker, or anyone visiting her home (besides her children) to help her with her day-to-day. She always has on fabulous clothes (I remember looking at her on Easter Sunday, and thinking "Would it be weird if I asked Gran if I could borrow her scarf sometime?" I decided it probably would be, although she absolutely would let me), and takes care to make sure she looks her best when going out. I've never seen her with a grey hair (not to say this has not occurred, but it has to be a rarity), and have only had to visit her in the hospital once, when she had surgery on her knee. Did you read that? Her knee. Did I mention she's almost ninety-two???
I can't help but wonder what her secret is. I know she was never a big drinker (so I'm not really sure what happened to the rest of us), and was not a smoker. She has a huge heart, made of some indestructible matter, like tungsten. Her kids are all funny, and from what I'm told, so was my grandfather. I firmly believe lots of laughter can really do a person good. Gran could be living proof of that.
I feel very lucky to have Gran, and she is absolutely the center of our entire family. The list of admirable qualities she carries could go on forever, but there is one downside to being a part of her clan: huge shoes to fill. How can anyone live up to that? She's the best of the best!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Build Me Up, Buttercup!
Today, I am going to give you a mostly "picture blog". Molly and I went on a gorgeous hike through a trail by our house this morning (Sheldon Point Trail), and I finally remembered to bring my camera. Every time we do this trail, I am blown away by how beautiful it is- the trees, flowers, animals, and water views. I love that we can walk there right from our front door! I hope that you got to get out and enjoy some of that sunshine today...even though I am covered in mosquito bites, and spent a lot of my walk flailing my arms to get the bugs off/away from me, it was a great way to take in this weather.
Good thing for the Nature Park I don't trust my dog |
Off we go... |
Deep thoughts |
Honeysuckles |
Ursula from the Little Mermaid?? |
Not a man-made trail at all |
Hey ocean! |
Break time! |
Can I go swimming? Just kidding... |
Silent contemplation... |
Cute little nook |
Have a seat |
Um... |
Buttercups everywhere! Needless to say, I was singing for the bulk of the hike. |
Huge leaves :) |
This always reminds me of Lost |
Hey buddy |
I wanted to pick some of these beauties, but wasn't sure how far we were from home |
New never know when you'll run into old farming equipment |
Probably time to head home now |
Monday, June 27, 2011
Snap! Click! Flash!
I. Am. OBSESSED. With. Pinterest.
Okay, seriously, I was so pumped to watch tennis all day today, and when TSN finally got around to showing matches I was interested in (i.e. men's singles), I was consumed by Pinterest. Not only is this site a great time-killer, but it can inspire so many cool ideas. I came across this mere moments ago, and will be starting it tomorrow...I cannot wait!
Photography is something I have always been interested in, although not very good at. However, this is simple and fun, and a great little project to kick off the summer. It might also motivate me to play around with the settings on our camera a little more, and see what cool things it's actually capable of doing.
I'll keep you updated as time goes on, and post my pics either every few days, or perhaps at the end of the thirty days. We'll see.
Also, as promised, I am posting a link to my Pinterest page (check out the My Heart board for what I think is the coolest stuff) so those of you who don't know what it is can get an idea. It doesn't have too much stuff yet, but a nifty little collection of things I've "pinned" over the last couple days. So inspiring. So fun. So addictive. Perfect time waster!
Okay, seriously, I was so pumped to watch tennis all day today, and when TSN finally got around to showing matches I was interested in (i.e. men's singles), I was consumed by Pinterest. Not only is this site a great time-killer, but it can inspire so many cool ideas. I came across this mere moments ago, and will be starting it tomorrow...I cannot wait!
![]() |
From White Peach Photography (click on photo to visit site) |
Photography is something I have always been interested in, although not very good at. However, this is simple and fun, and a great little project to kick off the summer. It might also motivate me to play around with the settings on our camera a little more, and see what cool things it's actually capable of doing.
I'll keep you updated as time goes on, and post my pics either every few days, or perhaps at the end of the thirty days. We'll see.
Also, as promised, I am posting a link to my Pinterest page (check out the My Heart board for what I think is the coolest stuff) so those of you who don't know what it is can get an idea. It doesn't have too much stuff yet, but a nifty little collection of things I've "pinned" over the last couple days. So inspiring. So fun. So addictive. Perfect time waster!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
If I had enough makeup...
Two posts in one night...crazy, I know. I'm making up for a slow June...
I just had to share this, and wanted to do so before I forgot. I've been endlessly perusing this website called the point that I think I have a problem. You can literally find ANYTHING on this site. Basically, people set up profiles, and "pin" links to things that interest them- books, websites, recipes, crafts, etc.If you find something you like, you can re-pin it to your board (if you have one), and the pattern continues. It's kind of like your own fancy bookmarks page (I will share my board with you once I have more pins!) Anywho, I came across this sweet idea for organizing and storing makeup, and loved it so much that I actually considered buying more makeup to make it worth my while to make this:
It's from this excellent blog, Laura Thoughts, which is full of fun, crafty ideas. It has definitely gotten me into a crafting frenzy (a mental one, anyway), and I cannot wait to try some of her projects! What else do you think this board could be used for??
I just had to share this, and wanted to do so before I forgot. I've been endlessly perusing this website called the point that I think I have a problem. You can literally find ANYTHING on this site. Basically, people set up profiles, and "pin" links to things that interest them- books, websites, recipes, crafts, etc.If you find something you like, you can re-pin it to your board (if you have one), and the pattern continues. It's kind of like your own fancy bookmarks page (I will share my board with you once I have more pins!) Anywho, I came across this sweet idea for organizing and storing makeup, and loved it so much that I actually considered buying more makeup to make it worth my while to make this:
It's from this excellent blog, Laura Thoughts, which is full of fun, crafty ideas. It has definitely gotten me into a crafting frenzy (a mental one, anyway), and I cannot wait to try some of her projects! What else do you think this board could be used for??
BAR-B-Q...Braydon Style
A good barbecue can often be the key to an amazing evening. What's better than eating food that's been cooked outside? Not a whole lot. I'm no barbecue expert, and generally am very straightforward with my 'cuing. Recently, I bought some marinades and have been coating my chicken and pork chops in them for a few hours before cooking them- I am so refined in my cooking ability, huh?
Tonight, I barbecued hamburgers for Clinton and I, and our last minute guest, Chuck. My inspiration to barbecue burgers came about a month ago, when we were invited for supper at the Braydon's house (you know, the Fundy Heights Braydons...Chris and Kâté). Because it was a Sunday and it was after 5:00, we had no place to go but Olsen's to buy something to contribute to the event. So, we brought some patties and buns. We did not know what a treat we were in for. Once the burgers were cooked, Kâté brought out the "garnishes" if you will- pesto mayonnaise, avacado, tomatoe, crumbled feta cheese, and havarti cheese. Whoa! If they had been at our house, we would have offered them some no name ketchup, and Clinton might have finely chopped up some pickles and called it relish. Anyway, Kâté explained that she had gotten the inspiration from Relish, the new burger restaurant uptown. I swear to God, this burger was the best thing I had ever eaten! I plowed through it like I was in some sort of contest, and quickly grabbed another bun for seconds. I've been thinking about that meal ever since.
Tonight, I finally decided to try it myself, with a couple differences. First off, Chris had made his own rub for the burgers, but I could not remember what he put in it except garlic. I skipped this due to my lack of memory. Second, we brought pre-made patties with us the first time, but tonight I used a package of ground beef, and made the burgers myself. I decided to chop up some onion and garlic, toss in some Cajun spice and pepper, and mix it all together. After making the patties, I put them in the fridge, and could smell the garlic and Cajun spice every time I opened it. Yum!
The toppings we used for ours were tomatoes, avacado, pesto mayonnaise, and crumbled feta (we skipped the Havarti because I am super was one cheese or the other for me, not both). Here is the finished product:
Clinton was extremely pleased with his burger (maybe now he'll stop wishing he was married to Kâté):
I hope I've inspired you to try this, or some variation of it, as the Braydon's inspired me (and as Relish inspired them). You will not be disappointed! Enjoy your outdoor grilling, friends :)
Tonight, I barbecued hamburgers for Clinton and I, and our last minute guest, Chuck. My inspiration to barbecue burgers came about a month ago, when we were invited for supper at the Braydon's house (you know, the Fundy Heights Braydons...Chris and Kâté). Because it was a Sunday and it was after 5:00, we had no place to go but Olsen's to buy something to contribute to the event. So, we brought some patties and buns. We did not know what a treat we were in for. Once the burgers were cooked, Kâté brought out the "garnishes" if you will- pesto mayonnaise, avacado, tomatoe, crumbled feta cheese, and havarti cheese. Whoa! If they had been at our house, we would have offered them some no name ketchup, and Clinton might have finely chopped up some pickles and called it relish. Anyway, Kâté explained that she had gotten the inspiration from Relish, the new burger restaurant uptown. I swear to God, this burger was the best thing I had ever eaten! I plowed through it like I was in some sort of contest, and quickly grabbed another bun for seconds. I've been thinking about that meal ever since.
Tonight, I finally decided to try it myself, with a couple differences. First off, Chris had made his own rub for the burgers, but I could not remember what he put in it except garlic. I skipped this due to my lack of memory. Second, we brought pre-made patties with us the first time, but tonight I used a package of ground beef, and made the burgers myself. I decided to chop up some onion and garlic, toss in some Cajun spice and pepper, and mix it all together. After making the patties, I put them in the fridge, and could smell the garlic and Cajun spice every time I opened it. Yum!
The toppings we used for ours were tomatoes, avacado, pesto mayonnaise, and crumbled feta (we skipped the Havarti because I am super was one cheese or the other for me, not both). Here is the finished product:
My burger- so yummy! |
"I sure do love my wife!" |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Song Time!
Every season needs a soundtrack. With summer upon us (do you think I blog about summer enough??), I've noticed my musical preferences have been changing, as they do every time the weather changes. With all that rain that we had, I was really digging mellow albums. I hung out with Norah Jones for the first time in forever, as her pretty voice is always calming and goes well with tea and watery weather. I was also frequently playing Angus and Julia Stone on the ol' iPod. Now with some sun, and renewed energy,. I've switched things up a little. I don't know what possessed it, but I found myself Youtubing (it's a word!) "Zumba songs" last week. I don't even do Zumba, but I wanted something upbeat to keep me moving around the house while I cleaned. I found some awesome and hilarious songs, and made myself a little Zumba playlist titled "Zumba Mon!" Check out Molly and I's current fave song while frolicking around the house- I challenge you to sit completely still:
I don't know who Nard is, and I don't know if he's serious with this song, but in my books, it's a winner. Here are some of my favourite lyrics from the song:
"Let me go, say 1, 2, 7, 3, 6 we jammin'"...what??
"Let me go, say 5, 6, 3, we jammin'"...Nard apparently cannot count
"If you're ready to move your waist, burn a calorie today, say yes Nard (yes Nard!)"
"If you're ready for soca aerobics, somebody say cheese and bread"...again...what??
Nard has officially made my list of people I'd like to meet. Also soca=awesome for getting up and moving.
I don't know who Nard is, and I don't know if he's serious with this song, but in my books, it's a winner. Here are some of my favourite lyrics from the song:
"Let me go, say 1, 2, 7, 3, 6 we jammin'"...what??
"Let me go, say 5, 6, 3, we jammin'"...Nard apparently cannot count
"If you're ready to move your waist, burn a calorie today, say yes Nard (yes Nard!)"
"If you're ready for soca aerobics, somebody say cheese and bread"...again...what??
Nard has officially made my list of people I'd like to meet. Also soca=awesome for getting up and moving.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun!
Guess what, readers (i.e. husband and mother)? I am currently blogging from my back deck, wearing a t-shirt- and it is 8:08 in the evening. It is warmer out here than it is in my house! The sun is still shining, and Molly is barking up a storm at nothing, as she sits perched on the picnic table in our backyard (why she sits here, I do not know). I may or may not be sipping a wine spritzer. This whole scene just feels so...lovely.
This beautiful day inspired me to get around to something I have been planning on and talking about doing for months- planting my shoe organizer herb garden. I have gradually been collecting the necessities for this project (gardening tools, a shoe organizer, soil), and after picking up seeds on my trip to Portland last week with my parents (which, by the way, was awesome!), I had everything I needed. Except the sun. Today, my last ingredient was added, and I was more than ready to get this show on the road.
Tonight, I picked up this really neat tool (at the Dollar Store, duh) that has measurements in inches and centimeters on the side of it. You simply poke it into the soil as far down as the seeds should sit, and voila! You have a nice little home to drop your seeds in. Check it out:
This is what it looks like when you've poked all the cutesy little holes:
Perhaps you seasoned gardeners have already been introduced to this work of art, but before today, I didn't know such a thing existed. I've planted things before, and always wondered how you would get a ruler to make a nice plot in your soil. Not the brightest- Clinton might call me a Dollar Store light bulb. Now, I know how it's done and I was more than happy to break in my new tool on my shoe organizer deck decor.
Choosing my herbs was something I was excited to do, and the Waterville Walmart just had a ton to pick from. Here is what I ended up going with:
...and the rosemary Clinton bought a few weeks ago to help get me started:
My shoe rack has twenty pouches- no way was I planting herbs in all of them! But, once the plants start growing, they will need to be separated. So, I figured each one could have it's own row on the rack, and I would fill the pouches as necessary. I also think I'll go buy some potted flowers, and stick those in for filler. Watcha think? Here's the finished product (well, as finished as it can be without the herbs having actually grown):
I've already learned a lot just from browsing through them, so I'm excited to actually spend some time with them and see what I can accomplish as a home owner throughout the summer.
So, that's my herb garden! I feel so good to finally have gotten it done, and cannot wait to let you know if it's a hit or a miss. Next project...front walkway. Yikes!
This beautiful day inspired me to get around to something I have been planning on and talking about doing for months- planting my shoe organizer herb garden. I have gradually been collecting the necessities for this project (gardening tools, a shoe organizer, soil), and after picking up seeds on my trip to Portland last week with my parents (which, by the way, was awesome!), I had everything I needed. Except the sun. Today, my last ingredient was added, and I was more than ready to get this show on the road.
Tonight, I picked up this really neat tool (at the Dollar Store, duh) that has measurements in inches and centimeters on the side of it. You simply poke it into the soil as far down as the seeds should sit, and voila! You have a nice little home to drop your seeds in. Check it out:
This is what it looks like when you've poked all the cutesy little holes:
Cilantro seeds |
Perhaps you seasoned gardeners have already been introduced to this work of art, but before today, I didn't know such a thing existed. I've planted things before, and always wondered how you would get a ruler to make a nice plot in your soil. Not the brightest- Clinton might call me a Dollar Store light bulb. Now, I know how it's done and I was more than happy to break in my new tool on my shoe organizer deck decor.
Choosing my herbs was something I was excited to do, and the Waterville Walmart just had a ton to pick from. Here is what I ended up going with:
...and the rosemary Clinton bought a few weeks ago to help get me started:
My shoe rack has twenty pouches- no way was I planting herbs in all of them! But, once the plants start growing, they will need to be separated. So, I figured each one could have it's own row on the rack, and I would fill the pouches as necessary. I also think I'll go buy some potted flowers, and stick those in for filler. Watcha think? Here's the finished product (well, as finished as it can be without the herbs having actually grown):
Getting this done has really inspired me to make my property more esthetically pleasing. I've also been feeling antsy since buying these two fun books at Indigo (for $5 a piece) the other day:
So, that's my herb garden! I feel so good to finally have gotten it done, and cannot wait to let you know if it's a hit or a miss. Next project...front walkway. Yikes!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Summer Concert Kick Off
One of my favourite things is a good, summer concert. I love concerts, I love summer, and when the two come together, their force is unstoppable. The only thing that makes a summer concert even more awesome than it already is is when you combine it with good fellow concert goers, and some shopping. If any of this sounds appealing to you, then you probably wish you were me right now. Tomorrow morning, I will jump into my father's car and head to the US of A to see Brett Dennen live!
You might be thinking "Who the hell is Brett Dennen?", but you've probably heard him before. My father and I first discovered him when his song was played on a Rogers commercial four or five years ago- and many people unknowingly know this song because of that ad. Watch and remember:
You might be thinking "Who the hell is Brett Dennen?", but you've probably heard him before. My father and I first discovered him when his song was played on a Rogers commercial four or five years ago- and many people unknowingly know this song because of that ad. Watch and remember:
After some Googling, I gave my father the name Brett Dennen, which led him to download his album from iTunes. Instant fans. So, it's kind of cool that I will get to see him with my dad, as we sort of discovered him together. After traveling to Portland last fall to see Josh Ritter, my mom got a taste of what it is like not only going to a concert with my father and I together, but being active post-show stalkers. While I think she was skeptical at first, being successful at the stalking and getting to meet Josh and some of his band might have turned her into a lifer.
So friends, tomorrow we're off to the land of Portland again- Brett Dennen, Gloria Jean lattes, Bath and Body Works, and Paula Dean candles. I cannot wait! As a sign off, I leave you with one of my current faves off BD's new album. Enjoy- and also enjoy going back to work tomorrow suckas!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Dear Mama
I started to write this blog on Mother's Day, and whilst in the middle of writing it, my computer came down with a flu (aka terrible virus), and I couldn't access the Internet at all. I felt so disconnected, but was mostly disappointed that I didn't get to hit "Publish Post" before the virus took over. When we got our computer back a few days later, Blogger was down. Technology- so good. So bad. Anyway, I am finally taking a minute to sit down and pay my mother the proper tribute she deserves for being so good at being my mom. I know I am late, but it still counts (actually, it probably counts more now, since it's just a regular old day...right?)
I'm really big on making "Top" lists. If you were at my wedding, you might remember that my vows to Clinton were delivered in the form of a top five list (if you weren't there, now you know. You also probably feel a little sad that you missed the non-televised wedding of the century [we would have been doomed if we'd let the press in] and had to settle for watching William and Kate's little event instead).Anyway, in honour of my honourable mother, I've created a top ten list:
10. My mom has a wicked sense of humour. She loves a good comedy, and loves to laugh. We both enjoy the same shows, so I it's nice that I can call her and say "Did you see The Office last night? Wasn't it hilarious when..." And she's not into cheesy comedy either (e.g. Corner Gas). This makes me appreciate and respect her even more. I trust her judgment, and when she tells me to check out a new show, I will do it because I know it will be good. I would like to thank her for Modern Family, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, The Middle, How I Met Your Mother, The Soup, and various others. Thanks for keeping me laughing, Mom!
9. She's very thoughtful. If she sees something when she's out that I might have mentioned I was looking for, or needed, she'll pick it up for me, or call me to tell me she saw it somewhere. I enjoy this, and I think it's a great quality. I try to do that for people, but I often forget. It takes a special kind of person.
8. She is a great cook. I try to make things that she makes, but it never quite tastes the same. I often wonder if she holds out on an ingredient or two, just so hers will always be a little better. Then I think "'s just that things always taste better when someone else makes them." Then, one time, I made her famous layered lettuce salad, and after feeding it to Clinton, he said "That was good. But not as good as your mom's." Guess it's not just me.
7. She's "chill". She lets things roll off her, and doesn't fuss or stress over much. I wish I had that quality, and really admire it. Someone might make a comment to me in passing that's really no big deal, and it will sit in my mind until it has taken over my whole thinking process. It eats me up, and drives me mad until I get some sort of explanation or resolution. So much wasted energy. I long for my mom's nonchalant ways.
6. She's a good listener. Sometimes, I feel like all I do when I call my mom is talk- about myself, usually. Or complain about something- or everything. And she just listens, and throws a few words in there every now and again, so I know she's still there. It probably sucks being on her end, but on my end, it is definitely appreciated!
5. She has puppy fever. She understands my obsession for my dog, and obsesses over her dog, too. I could watch my dog all day, and just laugh at her strange antics and weird behaviour. Then, I'll be at my mom's, or talking to her on the phone, and she'll say "Oh you should see Brady! She just looked at me the cutest way." Some people might think "So what?"...but I think "Awesome." And I mean it.
4. She always has fun. That's her mission, I think- to just enjoy herself.
3. She will do anything for us, but didn't "ruin" us as kids. Sure, Kevin still doesn't know how to make a dentist appointment on his own, but we certainly were not fussed over. We were very loved, and very well taken care of, but we weren't smothered. If we had a cold, we slept it off, maybe took some over-the-counter medicine. I don't ever remember visiting an after hours clinic because my nose was running. When we fell and scraped our knees, we were not treated like someone ran us over with their car. We knew how to make our own breakfast (Life cereal, apple and cinnamon oatmeal, toast), and were taught to clean up after ourselves (although, our bedrooms would have said otherwise). If we were visiting family, or at some event or gathering that we got bored with, my parents would not up and leave to please us. We didn't run the show- they did. What she made for lunch or supper was what we got for lunch or it or starve. She taught us stuff, rather than teaching us how to have someone do it for us instead of doing it ourselves.
2. She always shares her wine with me. Great quality. GREAT!
1. She accepts and supports everything major that I have done, and doesn't question it. "Hey Mom, I have a new boyfriend...he's eleven years older than me. He has a daughter who's nine. I know it's only been a few months, but I am moving in with him. I bought a dog without telling him, and can't understand what he's so upset about. I am going to start a career that has no need for new employees." I don't know how she stands it, but she does, and doesn't lecture or judge (and if she does, it's silent).
My mom...she's the bomb! You should be jealous right now that she's not your mom (unless you're Mike or Kevin).
I'm really big on making "Top" lists. If you were at my wedding, you might remember that my vows to Clinton were delivered in the form of a top five list (if you weren't there, now you know. You also probably feel a little sad that you missed the non-televised wedding of the century [we would have been doomed if we'd let the press in] and had to settle for watching William and Kate's little event instead).Anyway, in honour of my honourable mother, I've created a top ten list:
Top Ten Reasons Why My Mother is The Best (even better than your mom)
10. My mom has a wicked sense of humour. She loves a good comedy, and loves to laugh. We both enjoy the same shows, so I it's nice that I can call her and say "Did you see The Office last night? Wasn't it hilarious when..." And she's not into cheesy comedy either (e.g. Corner Gas). This makes me appreciate and respect her even more. I trust her judgment, and when she tells me to check out a new show, I will do it because I know it will be good. I would like to thank her for Modern Family, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, The Middle, How I Met Your Mother, The Soup, and various others. Thanks for keeping me laughing, Mom!
9. She's very thoughtful. If she sees something when she's out that I might have mentioned I was looking for, or needed, she'll pick it up for me, or call me to tell me she saw it somewhere. I enjoy this, and I think it's a great quality. I try to do that for people, but I often forget. It takes a special kind of person.
8. She is a great cook. I try to make things that she makes, but it never quite tastes the same. I often wonder if she holds out on an ingredient or two, just so hers will always be a little better. Then I think "'s just that things always taste better when someone else makes them." Then, one time, I made her famous layered lettuce salad, and after feeding it to Clinton, he said "That was good. But not as good as your mom's." Guess it's not just me.
7. She's "chill". She lets things roll off her, and doesn't fuss or stress over much. I wish I had that quality, and really admire it. Someone might make a comment to me in passing that's really no big deal, and it will sit in my mind until it has taken over my whole thinking process. It eats me up, and drives me mad until I get some sort of explanation or resolution. So much wasted energy. I long for my mom's nonchalant ways.
6. She's a good listener. Sometimes, I feel like all I do when I call my mom is talk- about myself, usually. Or complain about something- or everything. And she just listens, and throws a few words in there every now and again, so I know she's still there. It probably sucks being on her end, but on my end, it is definitely appreciated!
5. She has puppy fever. She understands my obsession for my dog, and obsesses over her dog, too. I could watch my dog all day, and just laugh at her strange antics and weird behaviour. Then, I'll be at my mom's, or talking to her on the phone, and she'll say "Oh you should see Brady! She just looked at me the cutest way." Some people might think "So what?"...but I think "Awesome." And I mean it.
4. She always has fun. That's her mission, I think- to just enjoy herself.
3. She will do anything for us, but didn't "ruin" us as kids. Sure, Kevin still doesn't know how to make a dentist appointment on his own, but we certainly were not fussed over. We were very loved, and very well taken care of, but we weren't smothered. If we had a cold, we slept it off, maybe took some over-the-counter medicine. I don't ever remember visiting an after hours clinic because my nose was running. When we fell and scraped our knees, we were not treated like someone ran us over with their car. We knew how to make our own breakfast (Life cereal, apple and cinnamon oatmeal, toast), and were taught to clean up after ourselves (although, our bedrooms would have said otherwise). If we were visiting family, or at some event or gathering that we got bored with, my parents would not up and leave to please us. We didn't run the show- they did. What she made for lunch or supper was what we got for lunch or it or starve. She taught us stuff, rather than teaching us how to have someone do it for us instead of doing it ourselves.
2. She always shares her wine with me. Great quality. GREAT!
1. She accepts and supports everything major that I have done, and doesn't question it. "Hey Mom, I have a new boyfriend...he's eleven years older than me. He has a daughter who's nine. I know it's only been a few months, but I am moving in with him. I bought a dog without telling him, and can't understand what he's so upset about. I am going to start a career that has no need for new employees." I don't know how she stands it, but she does, and doesn't lecture or judge (and if she does, it's silent).
My mom...she's the bomb! You should be jealous right now that she's not your mom (unless you're Mike or Kevin).
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