Thursday, June 23, 2011

If I had enough makeup...

Two posts in one night...crazy, I know. I'm making up for a slow June...

I just had to share this, and wanted to do so before I forgot. I've been endlessly perusing this website called the point that I think I have a problem. You can literally find ANYTHING on this site. Basically, people set up profiles, and "pin" links to things that interest them- books, websites, recipes, crafts, etc.If you find something you like, you can re-pin it to your board (if you have one), and the pattern continues. It's kind of like your own fancy bookmarks page (I will share my board with you once I have more pins!) Anywho, I came across this sweet idea for organizing and storing makeup, and loved it so much that I actually considered buying more makeup to make it worth my while to make this:

It's from this excellent blog, Laura Thoughts, which is full of fun, crafty ideas. It has definitely gotten me into a crafting frenzy (a mental one, anyway), and I cannot wait to try some of her projects! What else do you think this board could be used for??


  1. what a cool idea! I'm assuming she's put magnets on everything?

  2. Yes, I probably should have mentioned that...magnets galore. i just think it looks so fun!
