Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear Mama

I started to write this blog on Mother's Day, and whilst in the middle of writing it, my computer came down with a flu (aka terrible virus), and I couldn't access the Internet at all. I felt so disconnected, but was mostly disappointed that I didn't get to hit "Publish Post" before the virus took over. When we got our computer back a few days later, Blogger was down. Technology- so good. So bad. Anyway, I am finally taking a minute to sit down and pay my mother the proper tribute she deserves for being so good at being my mom. I know I am late, but it still counts (actually, it probably counts more now, since it's just a regular old day...right?)

I'm really big on making "Top" lists. If you were at my wedding, you might remember that my vows to Clinton were delivered in the form of a top five list (if you weren't there, now you know. You also probably feel a little sad that you missed the non-televised wedding of the century [we would have been doomed if we'd let the press in] and had to settle for watching William and Kate's little event instead).Anyway, in honour of my honourable mother, I've created a top ten list:

Top Ten Reasons Why My Mother is The Best (even better than your mom)

10. My mom has a wicked sense of humour. She loves a good comedy, and loves to laugh. We both enjoy the same shows, so I it's nice that I can call her and say "Did you see The Office last night? Wasn't it hilarious when..." And she's not into cheesy comedy either (e.g. Corner Gas). This makes me appreciate and respect her even more. I trust her judgment, and when she tells me to check out a new show, I will do it because I know it will be good. I would like to thank her for Modern Family, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, The Middle, How I Met Your Mother, The Soup, and various others. Thanks for keeping me laughing, Mom!

9. She's very thoughtful. If she sees something when she's out that I might have mentioned I was looking for, or needed, she'll pick it up for me, or call me to tell me she saw it somewhere. I enjoy this, and I think it's a great quality. I try to do that for people, but I often forget. It takes a special kind of person.

8. She is a great cook. I try to make things that she makes, but it never quite tastes the same. I often wonder if she holds out on an ingredient or two, just so hers will always be a little better. Then I think "'s just that things always taste better when someone else makes them." Then, one time, I made her famous layered lettuce salad, and after feeding it to Clinton, he said "That was good. But not as good as your mom's." Guess it's not just me.

7. She's "chill". She lets things roll off her, and doesn't fuss or stress over much. I wish I had that quality, and really admire it. Someone might make a comment to me in passing that's really no big deal, and it will sit in my mind until it has taken over my whole thinking process. It eats me up, and drives me mad until I get some sort of explanation or resolution. So much wasted energy. I long for my mom's nonchalant ways.

6. She's a good listener. Sometimes, I feel like all I do when I call my mom is talk- about myself, usually. Or complain about something- or everything. And she just listens, and throws a few words in there every now and again, so I know she's still there. It probably sucks being on her end, but on my end, it is definitely appreciated!

5. She has puppy fever. She understands my obsession for my dog, and obsesses over her dog, too. I could watch my dog all day, and just laugh at her strange antics and weird behaviour. Then, I'll be at my mom's, or talking to her on the phone, and she'll say "Oh you should see Brady! She just looked at me the cutest way." Some people might think "So what?"...but I think "Awesome." And I mean it.

4. She always has fun. That's her mission, I think- to just enjoy herself.

3. She will do anything for us, but didn't "ruin" us as kids. Sure, Kevin still doesn't know how to make a dentist appointment on his own, but we certainly were not fussed over. We were very loved, and very well taken care of, but we weren't smothered. If we had a cold, we slept it off, maybe took some over-the-counter medicine. I don't ever remember visiting an after hours clinic because my nose was running. When we fell and scraped our knees, we were not treated like someone ran us over with their car. We knew how to make our own breakfast (Life cereal, apple and cinnamon oatmeal, toast), and were taught to clean up after ourselves (although, our bedrooms would have said otherwise). If we were visiting family, or at some event or gathering that we got bored with, my parents would not up and leave to please us. We didn't run the show- they did. What she made for lunch or supper was what we got for lunch or it or starve. She taught us stuff, rather than teaching us how to have someone do it for us instead of doing it ourselves.

2. She always shares her wine with me. Great quality. GREAT!

1. She accepts and supports everything major that I have done, and doesn't question it. "Hey Mom, I have a new boyfriend...he's eleven years older than me. He has a daughter who's nine. I know it's only been a few months, but I am moving in with him. I bought a dog without telling him, and can't understand what he's so upset about. I am going to start a career that has no need for new employees." I don't know how she stands it, but she does, and doesn't lecture or judge (and if she does, it's silent).

My mom...she's the bomb! You should be jealous right now that she's not your mom (unless you're Mike or Kevin).

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