We're into month two of the new year, which is usually about the time we forget about our resolutions and fall back into our old habits. I've decided this year, I'll do regular check-ins...on the Internet...so I truly feel some sort of commitment to my promises.I know YOU would just die to not receive regular updates on my daily life. I just know it...no sense denying it.
I looked back on my blog post regarding New Years "Real"-utions, and so far, I'm not doing too shabby. I have not accomplished all the things I wanted to, but hey, it's only February. We have all year to go through our "to-do" list (or "to not do" list, in some cases). Here is where my real-utions stand to date:
Wipe the Keurig Coffee Drips Off the Counter
I think I am doing a-okay with this one. I have been making a conscious effort to wipe up after I use the Keurig, and I even bought Lysol wipes for regular disinfecting of my countertops and stove. No drips! Now, my biggest problem is cat hair- yes, in the kitchen, on the counter. It's gross, and a forever task of keeping it clean. My cat Lucky lives on top of the fridge, and to get there, she first has to get up on the counter. Last week, I was making toast, and I had just put butter on it when sweet, little Lucky jumped up on the counter, and her paw landed right on it. No lie. The very paw that, like her other three paws, steps in litter. Wasted piece of toast. But, you can bet I was quick to wipe the counter!
Return Movies On Time
Proud to say we have yet to return one movie late this year! Well, a couple have gone back after the 6:00 deadline, but never more than an hour or two. This is HUGE for us.
Investing in a Second Garbage Bin
I still have not done this. As we speak, my kitchen garbage is just about overflowing, but I cannot take the bag outside because the bin is full. Oh, the anxiety! Garbage day is Friday, so if we can just not throw anything else away until then, we should be golden...
Using the Hooks I hung in the Closet
This resolution I have met halfway. Not long after 2012 began, I cleaned out the coat closet, and was using the hooks for Molly's harness, leash, and my purse. However, the organization has since dissipated slightly, and things are starting to feel messy again. I couldn't find my mittens this morning (a mere hour after returning from my walk with Molly, during which I wore said mittens) and nearly had a meltdown. I will work on this.
Folding my Clothes
I did this! I cleaned out my drawers, and arranged all my clothes in categories: work clothes, clothes I would not wear to work (not because they're trampy or anything, but because they are t-shirts, or just plain ugly), summer clothes, and pajamas. I have managed to keep this system going, but I find when all the laundry is done, my drawers are ready to burst, even though everything is folded neatly. I don't like most of my clothes, so I can't really figure out why I can't part with more of them. Old habits.
Taking Empty Cups Out of the Car
Our car is a disgusting mess. Mission not accomplished.
I'm feeling okay about my progress so far, and I think a little check-in to really think about my real-utions has helped restore some of that motivation I felt at the very beginning of the year. I almost considered adding to the list, but think I'd better quit while I'm...well, not behind.
How are you doing on your resolutions?
Some countertops that offer a wide variety of choices Corian countertops, granite countertops, laminate countertops and even butcher block countertops