Anyway, I'm back! I'll be making a more conscious effort to blog, and of course as the school year progresses, I will find myself with more topics to blog about (inspired by funny stories and maybe some nightmare experiences, too). It's Thanksgiving morning as I sit here and type this, and it is a beautiful one at that! I have not been outside for a few hours, but when I was out last around 7:30 with Molly, it was really warm, and the sun was shining. Just checked the weather network...twenty degrees right now. Love it!
As most people do around Thanksgiving, I've spent the last couple days being...well...thankful for all that I have. I've been known to complain, and gripe, etc., but I know I have it good, and that there are people in this world who would trade places with me in a heartbeat. It's important that we have this holiday to remind us to remind ourselves to appreciate what we do have rather than be sad over what we don't have. As with many people, I am the most grateful for my family, my friends, my health, their health, a place to live, a free country, and all of that BIG stuff that I am so lucky to have. I'm not going to blog about that, because that is what everyone is thankful for, and I think you would get super bored. I've been thinking a lot about smaller things that don't often get the recognition they deserve on this day. So, in true Colleen fashion, I've done one of my favourite things- compiled a list. Oh, how I love lists!
Grocery day- I am so thankful that someone invented grocery stores, a place where we can go to get everything we need, from food to cleaning supplies to clothes now at some places. While I am cheap, and don't like spending money, I never mind spending it on food, and then stepping back to admire my full fridge and cupboards when I get home. We always wait until we're completely drained of food before we get an order, so once all the groceries are put away, it feels like we've won the lottery. One of my favourite days in my regular routine.

Christmas music- Love it, and I don't care what anyone has to say about it. I listen to it when I'm feeling blue, and it totally cheers me up. I honestly could sicken people with my Christmas cheer.
A Clean House- Not many things feel better than when your entire house is clean. I mean, that never actually happens- somedays, I think "I've done a great job...look at this house! I cleaned the floors, the bathrooms, the kitchen, and did all the laundry." I block out the massive pile of clothes on the floor of the closet, the dust bunnies on the basement stairs, and the cluttered mess we call a garage, but it still feels great. To be able to relax and know that around the corner, in the kitchen, there is not an explosive pile of dishes waiting for me, or a bath tub full of soap scum upstairs.
Scented candles- Can't. Get. Enough. This goes with my last item. When my house is clean, the finishing touch is always to light a candle so that it smells good, as well. Or spray some Febreeze. But a nice candle is always my preference.
A Quick Bathroom Trip with Molly- Laugh all you want, but when you have a hound dog as a pet, trying to get them to focus on anything is near impossible. Molly will ring her bell to go outside (yes, she has a bell), and once we get out, it takes her FOREVER to use the bathroom- she sniffs and sniffs...and sniffs. I have spent 10+ minutes standing out there with her. Sometimes, she looks like she's found her spot, and then a breeze will come, sending a new smell her way, and we're back to square one. I literally thank God every time I am outside less than five minutes with her.

Primetime Comedy- Nothing gets me laughing like a little evening television. People who can write good quality comedy are my best friends from afar. If I have a bad day, usually an episode of Modern Family will quickly make me forget, or a dose of Michael Scott and his shenanigans can have me laughing in no time.
The Internet- Guilty...I'm an addict. But seriously, it makes everything so convenient. I can keep in touch with friends, google recipes, home remedies, plan vacations, shop, listen to music, watch TV shows that I missed, read articles...the list goes on and on. I never use my phone book anymore, and pretty much never use my phone either. It's all about the Internet, baby.
Friendly People- Few and far between some days, but they're out there, and when you run into one or meet one, it's fabulous. I read a quote once that said "Treat every person you encounter like it's their last day alive. Your life will never be the same." I try to remember this, but fail usually. However, I think it's true, and it has actually helped me when dealing with someone who is not so pleasant- like when someone ringing you in somewhere is rude or just doesn't even put in the effort to smile at you, it's tempting to be rude back, or make a snarky comment. But, if you stop and think "This could be their last day on Earth" (I know, it's morbid), it will actually help you to leave the attitude behind, which will prevent you from getting worked up and improve the overall quality of your day.

Lazy Mornings- I am wonderful at being lazy anytime of the day, but especially in the morning. Getting up casually, and staying in your pjs for hours just feels so good. It's even better when it's raining- then you don't have that "I should be doing something" guilt, and can actually feel good about being so unproductive.
There are a million other things I am thankful for, but that's the short list. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and remembered to appreciate those little things, too.